A Little Taste of Suga – Chapter 2: A Little Sugar
Just then a crash of thunder resounded, waking Yoongi from his reverie. Staring out the windowpane once again, he saw a white-hot flash of lightning snake to the ground a few…
Just then a crash of thunder resounded, waking Yoongi from his reverie. Staring out the windowpane once again, he saw a white-hot flash of lightning snake to the ground a few…
“Dear Joonie.“Today was hard. My back was already hurting me, then I went to volleyball practice. Trying to deflect a hard serve, I fell to the floor. Pain exploded through my back. I was…
“Dear Joonie.“I hear you. I’m crying over you.”As he read her words, he heard his own echoing in his mind. He’d penned them for Forever Rain. “I’d like someone to cry for me.” He…